Professor Priestess

Professor Priestess

Are you Tired of Tarot Readings?

Have you ever come across a tarot reading, whether it was on YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, or personal reading, and the reader said something that didn't seem to make sense or left you wondering: "What does that mean and why did they say it?" You might even notice that readers use certain phrases repeatedly, which may or may not resonate with you. These phrases seem to be associated with specific cards, but you might not be sure why or what cards they are referring to.

As someone with a research background, I have noticed specific themes and patterns while watching and reading tarot on YouTube and TikTok. To better understand these occurrences and teach them to you, I started taking note of them. This led me to work on a project over the past few months, which I am now introducing to you as "The Semiotics of the Tarot."

What you’ll learn

  • Brief history of Semiotic Theory and its importance to reading images and text.

  • Using Semiotics and Media Theory this lesson offers three methods of reading tarot cards.

  • Introduction to the 22 Cards in the Major Arcana and their Symbolic Meaning.

The Semiotics of Tarot

Understanding signs and signifiers can help us analyze tarot cards because each card has multiple signifiers representing deep meanings and cultural icons, symbols, and beliefs. This implies that every element within the card can be analyzed using semiotics to comprehend the card's meanings within a socio-cultural context and understand the creator's intentions behind the card's imagery and text. Therefore, understanding the semiotics of tarot helps us better understand the card's imagery and text.

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