“When we drop fear, we can draw nearer to people, we can draw nearer to the earth, we can draw nearer to all the heavenly creatures that surround us.”

- bell hooks

Allow me to Introduce myself

I am a postmodern mystic, an intuitive astrologer, and a practicing occultist. Additionally, I am a Black and Queer healer, lightworker, and prayer warrior who studies yoga, dance, meditation, dreamwork, reiki, chakra balancing, crystals and many other embodied practices and healing modalities. My specialty is using alchemy, astrology, and magic to heal from trauma and manifest the life and relationships that your heart desires.

Welcome to the Journey

As an eclectic spiritualist and doctor of philosophy, I am knowledgeable of a variety of cultural traditions and schools of thought, so I offer guidance on how to find the best practice for you based on your background and interests. By helping you learn how to balance protecting your energy with being open to receive abundance, I look forward to speaking words of light and love into your life and work, so that you can be the best version of yourself in this and all future timelines.